Research is an intrinsic part of any academic institution. The growth and development of any institute is driven by research activities. The research is carried out by faculty members, industry professionals, as well as students of the institute in various domains like business, society, governance and other allied areas. It is our constant endeavour to promote and encourage research and take the institute to higher level of knowledge excellence.
Research Policy Preamble
Reputation of any educational institution depends on scholarship, research productivity and innovation. This research policy aims to help TIME and its faculty members achieve excellence and thereby contribute to the institute, academic world, business world and the society at large.
Tirpude Institute of Management Education is recognized as a “Place for Higher Learning and Research” leading to Ph.D. in Business Administration in the faculty of Commerce, RashtraSant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University.
The intake capacity of student registration is 20. This is as approved by the Board of College and University Development and the Academic Council, as per the provisions of Section 84(3) of the Maharashtra Universities Act, 1994 and Direction no. 7 of 2003.
Number of Ph.D. students registered: 14
Number of Ph.D. Guides: 03 – Dr. Lalit Khullar, Dr. Sanjay Kavishwar, Dr. Praveen Mustoor
Following are the details of Ph.D. students currently registered with Tirpude Institute of Management Education – Place of Higher Learning & Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Guide | Student Name (Registered at TIME) | Affiliation of student |
1 | Dr. Lalit Khullar | Rijuta Joshi | Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engg. & Mgt. |
2 | Rasika Bhole | MSEDCL | |
3 | Pankaj Mishra | Centre Point College | |
4 | Carol Rao | Tirpude Institute of Management Education | |
5 | Dr. Sanjay Kavishwar | Astha Agrawal | Practicing CA |
6 | Mahesh Joshi | Tirpude Institute of Management Education | |
7 | Abhishek Shahu | Tirpude Institute of Management Education | |
8 | Snehal Khadge | Tulsiramji Gaikwad Patil College | |
9 | Sampada Mashirkar | – | |
10 | Ajay Ghangre | – | |
11 | Dr. Praveen Mustoor | Rohan Job | Tirpude Institute of Management Education |
12 | Hemant Hirani | Mahindra & Mahindra | |
13 | Sarang Warudkar | Tirpude Institute of Management Education | |
14 | Nikhil Bangde | SB Jain Institute of Engg. & Mgt. |
The ‘Place for Higher Learning & Research’ informs the registered Ph.D. students on various issues from time to time and guides them on step to be undertaken during the process of research leading to Ph.D. The Guides/Supervisors take work closely with the registered PhD students and undertake immense efforts in ensuring that the registered students clear every step successfully.
PhD’s awarded:
Dr.Lalit Khullar – 01 (PhD thesis submitted – 02)
Dr.Sanjay Kavishwar – 09
Dr.Praveen Mustoor – 03 (PhD thesis submitted – 01)
i) To promote research and publication activity at the Institute.
ii) To improve the quality of research being done currently.
iii) To identify and promote research in new areas.
iv) To promote publication, other than research, that is useful for industry, institute and the student community.
The research policy covers guidelines relating to contribution by faculty and students for conduct of research, research papers, research articles, teaching notes (Industry notes), research monographs, case studies and similar intellectual outcomes.
Idea Lab
Students have many ideas on which they want to work, but in the absence of infrastructure, motivation, guidance etc. they are unable to work on such ideas. Therefore, the research cell would encourage an Idea Lab at the institute, where students can research on an idea. The Idea Lab also provides the opportunity to students to ask questions in different areas of knowledge. It shall equip them with an ability to think, concretise the idea, design research study, work on it and report the findings. It shall also encourage research scholars to publish their research work in reviewed journals depending upon the quality of research. The students can also contribute to current research by faculty members, subject to prior approval.
Minor Research Projects
From the very beginning, the Institute encourages faculty members to conduct research. There shall be a scheme for providing financial assistance to Minor Research Project. According to this scheme, a faculty member prepares Minor Research Project, which is submitted to research cell and on the recommendations of cell the Institute may give a certain financial assistance to the faculty concerned. The research cell shall have periodical assessment for all such research projects with an aim to guide the researcher. For this purpose, the Institute earmarks a financial budget every year. The Minor Research Project Scheme helps faculty think about research, prepare the proposal, conduct research and write a research report. It also assists them in preparing proposals for major research projects.
Major Research Projects
The Research cell shall identify a list of funding agencies for research. Faculty can submit Major Research Project proposals to these agencies. The research cell shall provide reasonable assistance to the faculty in completing such research projects.
Collaborative Research Projects
Institute-Industry Interaction is a demand of the day. In order to contribute to the society at large, the Institute has to closely work with industry and different organisations. Industries and business organisations are facing different kinds of problems and many of them would like to have help from the Institute, in terms of research, with an aim to find solutions to their problems. Hence, the institute plans to have the following activities:
(i) Industry Sponsored Research Project:
An industry organisation can sponsor a project and the concerned experts of the institution can conduct research on this project for which financial support will come from the industry organisation. This will lead to three kinds of benefits: a) the researcher will get exposures to the concerned area of research b) the industry will get solutions to its problem and c) the researcher, Institute and Industry can earn some money, while the society will benefit at the end.
(ii) Interdisciplinary Research:
The interdisciplinary research is a must nowadays. No single institution, researcher or a scholar can address a research problem in which more than one disciplines are involved. Unless they get together and conduct interdisciplinary research, no fruitful outcomes can be arrived at. Therefore, the research cell has decided to undertake the following steps:
a) Identify interdisciplinary area.
b) Identify different experts from concerned disciplines who can work together.
c) Explore possibilities to find resources for such interdisciplinary research.
(iii) Collaborative International Research
We live in a global village where knowledge is created in different parts of the world. Collaborative international research is essential to facilitate mutual learning and expertise sharing. The Institute plans to have MoUs with prominent research institutions abroad, for conducting research jointly in areas of common interest. For this purpose, a Task Force shall be constituted that will constantly explore the possibilities of having such collaborative or joint research in thrust areas, decide the modus operandi of conducting such research and attend to other relevant aspects.
Knowledge Experts
The Institute would like to create an environment for faculty members where they work in a specific research area and be known as a specialist. This will facilitate focus on specific research activities in the specialised areas. Through these efforts, the Institute shall promote a particular faculty member or a group of faculty members as ‘knowledge experts’, in due course, for a specialised thrust area.
Incentives for Outstanding Research
The Institute would like to encourage quality research in different thrust areas. For this purpose, outstanding research contributions done by faculty members and students shall be recognised. The incentives could be in terms of money, awards/prizes or even more funding for ongoing research.
Current Project
The institute’s Research Cell has initiated a current project for Nagpur Police titled “A Survey on Expectations and Perceptions about Effective Policing in Nagpur City” in March 2017
Research Cell
In order to achieve the policy objectives and coordinate the research activity a research cell is formed. The composition of research cell is as follows:
Sr. No. | Name | Designation | Research Cell Responsibility |
1 | Dr. Lalit Khullar | Director | Chief Patron |
2 | Dr. Sanjay Kavishwar | Dean – Academics & Admission | Chairperson |
3 | Prof. Abhishek Shahu | Assistant Professor | Member |
4 | Dr. Praveen Mustoor | Chairperson, T & P | Member |
5 | Prof. Prashant Rajurkar | Assistant Professor | Member |
The research cell will be primarily responsible for spearheading research activity at the Institute.
Promotion of Research
The Institute believes that researchers are free to choose the subject of their research, to seek support from any funding source for their research work and to report their findings and conclusions. However, research shall be available for scrutiny and constructive criticism of peers and the Institute shall create an environment conducive to research. The Institute may not always be able to fully support all research likely to be undertaken but it shall allocate the space, facilities, partial funding and other resources for research programmes based on the scholarly and educational merits of the proposed research. It shall also provide development opportunities to researchers for writing research proposals, reports, publications, etc.
Identification of Thrust Areas
With a view to make research more relevant, the research cell will identify areas of research and topics for research that will contribute to Institute’s mission and strategy, to be called as thrust areas. There shall be an exhaustive list of topics and areas, thus creating a bank of topics and areas. This shall be utilised for research activities mentioned below and at least one of the below-mentioned three topics shall be chosen from this Bank:
i) The Bank can be made available to the research scholars who may use it for their doctoral thesis.
ii) Similarly, the faculty shall also avail the Bank for identifying the subject for their minor research projects and even for major research projects.
iii) The Bank shall be utilised even for industry sponsored projects or for projects undertaken in collaboration with other institutions.
Training for Research and Publications
Generally, faculty members are eager to conduct research. But because of lack of expertise to write a research proposal or having insufficient research skills, they are unable to channelize their efforts effectively. Therefore, the research cell shall organise rigorous training programmes for researchers in identified areas.
Publication of Papers and Journals
Publication of papers is critical for the effectiveness of research and necessary for sharing knowledge. Faculty members must publish continuously in quality journals. Therefore, the Institute plans to encourage the publication of papers by faculty members with a targeted aim. A faculty member is expected to publish a certain number of research papers in refereed journals at national and international levels.
Review of the Policy
This policy will be reviewed annually.
Code of Ethics for Research
Code of Ethics to check malpractices and plagiarism in Research
Introduction and Purpose:
Tirpude Institute of Management Education (TIME) expects all its members to follow the highest standards of academic ethics. Academic Members (Teachers and Students) of TIME are required to pursue various research activities such as conduct of survey, publication of research papers/articles, publication of books, chapters in edited books, etc.
The Code of ethics is therefore adopted to promote original research and content creation amongst Academic Members of the institute. The code specifically aims to define plagiarism and its applicability, set standards and procedure for checking malpractices and describe the implications of plagiarism, if identified.
Definition of Plagiarism:
Plagiarism is defined as presenting another person’s work as one’s own work. Presentation includes copying or reproducing it without the acknowledgement of the source.
Plagiarism involves copying of: phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or longer extracts from published or unpublished work (including from the Internet) that exceeds the boundaries of the legitimate cooperation without acknowledgement of the source. Plagiarism could be intentional (dishonest plagiarism) or non-intentional (negligent plagiarism).
The Code applies to faculty members and students of the Institute, referred to as “Academic Members of Tirpude Institute of Management Education”. The code also extends to Authors from various researchers submitting their research work in the form of Research Papers for Apotheosis – A bi-annual national journal and the proceedings of International Conference organized by the Institute.
The Research Cell of the institute shall be responsible to promote and educate the members of institute on the concept of plagiarism. The cell shall also set standards on level of acceptance of plagiarism on any content. The standards are set on the basis of degree of plagiarism:
Level 1: Less than or equal to 30% of the work is plagiarized
Level 2: 31% to 50% of the work is plagiarized
Level 3: More than 50% of the work is plagiarized
The procedure followed to maintain the academic integrity is:
1. Any academic member who wishes to publish his/her work shall first apply to research cell to check the level of plagiarism.
2. The research cell shall check the level of plagiarism by using the best tools available (online) and present a detailed report to the applicant.
3. The research work or article meeting the standards of the plagiarism shall be allowed to be published in the publication of Institute or elsewhere.
4. In case the research work or article fails to meet the accepted degree of plagiarism, the applicant may be asked to submit explanation and/or resubmit the work after making required changes.
The degree of plagiarism shall imply the following actions:
a) Level 1: Publication with Counseling
In case of negligent plagiarism, where the plagiarism is due to unawareness or negligence, the member has to be counseled and made aware of such standards. However, the research work shall be allowed to be published.
a) Level 2: Counseling and Resubmission
In case, the degree of plagiarized work is between 31% – 50%, the member shall be asked to submit the explanation in this regard. Further the member shall be counseled on the issue of plagiarism and will be asked to modify his/her work and resubmit for analysis.
b) Level 3: Rejection
In case, the degree of plagiarized work is more than 50%, the research work submitted by the member shall be rejected.