
Research is an intrinsic part of any academic institution. The growth and development of any institute is driven by research activities. The research is carried out by faculty members, industry professionals, as well as students of the institute in various domains like business, society, governance and other allied areas. It is our constant endeavour to promote and encourage research and take the institute to higher level of knowledge excellence.

Our PhD program is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in management theory and research methodologies. Through a combination of extensive coursework, independent research and guidance provided by research supervisors, students develop expertise in their chosen area of specialization while honing critical thinking and research skills. 

Place for Higher Learning & Research

Tirpude Institute of Management Education is recognized as a “Place for Higher Learning and Research” leading to Ph.D. in Business Management and Business Administration in the faculty of Commerce& Management, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University.

The present intake capacity of student registration is 12. This is as approved by the Board of College and University Development and the Academic Council, as per the provisions of Section 84(3) of the Maharashtra Universities Act, 1994 and Direction no. 7 of 2003.

University Recognition:

Institute is a research center for Ph.D. programme recognized by Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University vide letter: RTMNU/CDS/ 2023/5127 dated 29/08/2023 for subject ““Business Administration and Business Management” under Faculty of commerce and Management.

Autonomous status of the Institute:

University Grants Commission (UGC) and RTMNU, Nagpur by University Grant Commission (UGC) have conferred autonomous Status to Tirpude Institute of Management Education, Nagpur vide UGC letter No.F.2-10/2013 (AC-Policy).

Objectives of the PhD Program:

  • To develop ability and skills among students to carry out independent research to tackle the issues related to business and social situations.
  • To develop the data driven decision making skills, equally applicable to academia and industry.
  • To develop inquisitiveness, quest for innovative thinking and analytical abilities required to overcome various challenges faced by society and Industry.

Number of students awarded with PhD degree: 11

Number of current students: 5 ( 3 students have completed and submitted their thesis to the university)

Number of Ph.D. Guides: 02 – Dr. Lalit Khullar, Dr. Yogesh Gharpure

List of PhD Scholars who have been awarded PhD Degree are as below:

  1. Dr Carol Rao
  2. Dr Rekha Bora
  3. Dr Astha Agrawal
  4. Dr Mahesh Joshi
  5. Dr Abhishek Shahu
  6. Dr Hemant Hirani
  7. Dr Ajay Ghangare
  8. Dr Snehal Khadge
  9. Dr Pankaj Mishra
  10. Dr Sampada Mashirkar
  11. Dr Rasika Bhole

Vacant Seats:

Please contact the coordinator of Research Centre, Dr Prasanna Shembekar on   for the vacant seats.

Who Can Apply?

Please contact the coordinator of Research Centre, Dr Prasanna Shembekar on  for the eligibility criteria.