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Assignments BBA

EVM Unit 1

EVM Unit 1


What Is Gratuity

Green House Effect

Green House Effect


Assignment : Find out various National Movements which were initiated to protect our environment.

Journal Entries Numericals

Journal Entry

BBA sem IV Money, Banking and Finance UNit 1 PPT

BBA sem IV Money, Banking and Finance UNit 1 PPT MBF UNIt 1

T & P News BBA

Opening Alexis Hospital Nagpur

MBA  final year student to note there are opening for various job profile  alexis hospital Nagpur

Notice BBA

Intercollegiate Football Women tournament 2017-18

The tournament will commence from 4th Dec to 6th Dec 2017. Kindly register with Prof. Sarang Warudkar at the earliest

Result BBA

Result of BBA final

Result of BBA final declared  by univercity.