ED Clubs



The ED Club strives to develop a spirit of entrepreneurship among students through education, training and research and make them think of ‘entrepreneurship’ as a career option.

Aligned to the mission, the ED Cell will have the following aims:

  • To create an environment for self-employment and promote innovation and Entrepreneurship development;
  • Look for opportunities of self employment through idea generation;
  • Regular exposure to the area of entrepreneurship by direct exposure to competent entrepreneurs and through training;
  • Disseminating new knowledge and insights in entrepreneurial theory and practice;
  • Improving managerial capabilities of small scale industries;
  • Sensitizing students on the support systems available to facilitate potential entrepreneurs establish and manage their enterprises.


  1. To make all students of the institute understand the concept of entrepreneurship.
  2. Promote and nurture entrepreneurship skills and culture among students by arranging formal and informal programmes.
  3. To utilize the infrastructure facilities and technically trained manpower for the development of non-corporate and unorganized sectors.
  4. To arrange for interactions of students with practicing successful entrepreneurs and seek entrepreneurial motivation.
  5. To promote self-employment opportunities.
  6. To arrange for mentoring, by practicing entrepreneurs, for students interested in setting up entrepreneurial ventures.


The ED Cell will conduct entrepreneurship related activities such as:

  • Interactions with successful alumni in business and entrepreneurship;
  • Guest lectures by prominent Industrialist of the region;
  • Conduct a one or two-day workshop on entrepreneurship basics;
  • Expose students to various Government laws, rules & regulations governing entrepreneurship and the agencies involved;
  • Arrange for programmes on entrepreneurship development in association with Government agencies like MSME, MCED, DIC, etc.;
  • Associate with MSME and MCED for any aspect related to the ED Cell;
  • Arrange for industrial visits;
  • Promote idea generation competition within campus;
  • Arrange business games and other allied activities;


  1. All students to be exposed to the concept of entrepreneurship
  2. Interactions with full time entrepreneurs to be held
  3. Pros and cons of entrepreneurship to be clearly discussed
  4. Students to be engaged in idea generation for entrepreneurship
  5. Students interested in aiming for entrepreneurship as a career to be identified
  6. Such identified students to be mentored for further action
  7. ED cell to identify suitable mentors for such interested students
  8. Interested students to be exposed to various competitions in entrepreneurship field
  9. These students to be groomed for entrepreneurship during their academic period at college.
  10. Interested students to be helped in getting additional support, as required, for their entrepreneurial pursuits.

Executive Body:

  1. Prashant Rajurkar (Faculty In charge)
  2. Student Representative 1 (MBA second year)
  3. Student Representative 2 (MBA first year)