Question Bank- Subject- Programming in C – Unit- 01 2017

Course: BCCA – I (Semester – I)
Subject: Programming in ‘C’
Part – A
(Each question carries Two marks)

1. What is Identifier? Write rules for writing identifier name.
2. What is Keyword? List any four keywords?
3. What is constant?
4. How variables are declared in C? Give an example.
5. Write down the syntax and example of scanf() function.
6. Write down the syntax and example of printf() function.
7. List Relational operators in C.
8. What is variable?
9. What is meant by compound statement?
10. Differentiate ‘ =’ and ‘==„operators in C.
11. What is increment and decrement operator in C?
12. Differentiate printf( ) and puts( ).
13. What do you mean by type conversion?
14. What is the purpose of break statement?
15. Write down format specifier and size for int, float and char data type.
16. What is sizeof operator? Give an example.
17. What is symbolic constant?
18. What is loop?
19. Differentiate pre increment and post increment operator?
20. What is the purpose of ‘\n‟,’\t’, ‘\b’ and ‘\a’ in C?
21. Describe the purpose of any four conversion characters commonly used in printf()?
22. List the name of decision making statements in C?
23. What is meant by unconditional jump? Give an example?
24. What is unary operator? Give an example.
25. What is modulo operator? How does it work in C?

Part – B
(Each question carries Three marks)


1. Write down the features of C Language.
2. Explain the structure of ‘C’ Program.
3. What is constant? Explain different types of constant in C.
4. What is the difference between #define and constant in C?
5. What are the different types of statements used in C?
6. What is variable? Write down rules to define variable name.
7. What is conditional operator in C? Give is syntax and example.
8. What is mixed mode mathematical operation in C. State with suitable example.
9. What is ternary operator in C? Explain with an example.
10. What is escape sequence character constant?
11. What is assignment operator?
12. Explain if….else statement with its syntax?
13. Explain nested if statement with suitable example.
14. What is logical operator? State its necessity.
15. Differentiate getch() and getchar( )
16. What is the scanf( ) function and how does it differ from the getchar( ) function ?
17. Differentiate entry control loop and exit control loop.
18. Write a program to find factorial of an inputted number?
19. Write a program in C to swap value of two variables.
20. What is meant by sequence, selection and iteration process?
21. Write down the compilation process of C program.
22. What is printf() function and compare with putchar() function?
23. What is gets() function? Give an example.
24. What is puts() function? Give an example.
25. Explain three parts of for loop.

Part – C
(Each question carries Five marks)


1. Explain keywords and identifiers in details.
2. Explain built-in data type in details.
3. Explain derived data type in details.
4. What is an Operator? Explain about operator precedence of C?
5. What is bitwise operator? Explain different types of bitwise operator with suitable example.
6. Explain break and continue statement in C with suitable example.
7. What is while loop? Differentiate while loop and do-while Loop with suitable example.
8. Discuss primary data types with their size and format specifier?
9. Explain scanf ( ) and printf () functions with suitable example?
10. Explain the use of switch statement in C with its syntax and example.
11. What are conditional statements in C? Explain any two with example.
12. What is else…if ladder? Explain with suitable example.
13. Explain for loop with syntax and suitable example.
14. What is type casting? Explain with example.
15. How can getchar() function be used to read a set of characters from the standard input?
16. How can putchar() function be used to display a set of characters on the standard output?
17. What are the format codes used along with the scanf() function to display the various data types in C?
18. What is meant by the precision of an output data and how can the precision be specified within a printf() function?
19. Explain with example the benefit of using switch structure over if-then-else ladder.
20. What is the significance of break statement within the switch construct?
21. Write a program in C to print Fibonacci series of n terms.
22. Write a program in C to check whether entered character is consonant or vowel using switch case block.
23. Write a program in C to convert the total number of days into number of years, months and remaining days. Consider 360 days in a year and 30 days in a month.
24. Write a program in C language to check whether the number is even or odd?
25. Write a program that enter temperature in Celsius and convert that into Fahrenheit.

Part – C
(Each question carries Ten marks)

1. What is data type? Explain different data types used in ‘C’ with suitable example.
2. What is an operator? Explain any four operators in detail.
3. Explain different input output functions with syntax and example in C.
4. What is constant? Explain different constant with suitable example.
5. What is type conversion? Explain explicit and implicit type conversion with suitable example.
6. Explain the following statements with example-
a. putchar() b. getchar() c. puts() d. gets()
7. What is statement? Explain different types of statements in details used in C.
8. Explain different types of conditional statements with suitable example.
9. What is looping? Discuss various types of looping statements with suitable example.
10. Explain switch case statement in detail. Write a menu driven program using switch case to perform following operation.
(i) Addition (ii)Subtraction
(iii)Multiplication (iv)Division
11. Explain break and continue statement with example. Write a program to check inputted number is Prime or not prime.
12. Write short notes on –
a. goto statement b. Break statement
c. Continue statement
d. Exit statement

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