Case study method is an important method of teaching for MBA students. In view of this comprehensive case study workshopsare conducted at the institute, every year, for students of MBA Semester-III and Semester-I. Numerous cases are analysed at different levels, in three phases. The benefits accrued to students are that they’re able to develop an analytical mind and are able to search various elements of the case, the issues and problems involved, elements causing issues, their inter-relationships, alternate solutions and the best possible solution to solve the case.
The workshopsare aimed at developing analytical insights among students and to demonstrate how various elements of a case (which is a business situation) affect organizations and how crucial a role they play in the decision making process.A total of 25 – 30 cases are generally identified and prepared for students to analyse. To begin with, a pre-training session is held for faculty members to effectively conduct the cases, simultaneously, in different student groups. The workshop is held in two phases for all student groups formed for this purpose:
Phase 1 involves reading and re-reading the cases thoroughly and students are taught the methodology to prepare their respective cases for discussion later. One faculty member is allotted to each of the student groups, comprising of 10 – 12 students each. Faculty members guide students on conduct of workshop for their respective groups and also guide them on preparing PPTs for discussion later; students learn the facts, issues & problems, alternative solutions and way forward while analysing the cases.
Phase 2 is the ‘Case Presentation’ round, where each student group presents their respective cases to faculty members who judged them. Every student of each group is required to present some aspect of the case, systematically, and discuss the same analytically. Students are evaluated individually and also group-wise based on how they analyse and present their cases. Questions are posed by judges, which students are required to answer and explain, during the course of presentations.
Students participating in these workshops are happy at learning one more skill for management decision making. All these case workshop sessions are conducted in different class rooms, simultaneously. ‘Best Presenter’ groups are awarded and their names are displayed on notice boards in order to encourage them participate in more such activities.