
Affiliated to RashtraSant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University

The BBA programme at Tirpude has been designed to empower the students through quality education focusing on innovation, entrepreneurship and management techniques. The Institute aims at creating an environment in which students undergo a process of learning through exposure to a range of real world practical problems and utilizing opportunities to apply learned skills in the ever increasing demands of business environment. The student is acclimatized with the requisite knowledge on core disciplines of management.

BBA at Tirpude provides the students with a strong career ladder in the field of management as it gives a strong foundation of theory and practices. The main focus is on leadership enhancement, analytical approach to problem solving and proper implementation of administrative tools.

The course module is spread across 3 years comprising of all subjects of management and administration. The skill set developed within these three years makes the graduates of Tirpude are attractive and preferred choice to the recruiters.

Semester I Semester II Semester III
1. English

2. Fundamentals of

Business Management

3. Computer Application

for Business

4. Cost Accounting

1. Principles of Marketing


2. Financial & Management


3. Micro-Economic


4. Introduction to Sociology & Psychology

1. Principles of Financial


2. Basic Statistical Techniques

3. Evolution of Business & Commercial Geography

4. Environment Management

Semester IV Semester V Semester VI
1. Principles of Human

Resource Management

2. Money, Banking &


3. Business


4. Business Legislations

1. Entrepreneurship


2. Principles of Operations


3. International Business


4. Research Methodology

1. Elective Paper – I

2. Elective Paper – II


The details of BBA course University Direction and Syllabus is given in the following link:

Program Outcomes of BBA

1. The undergraduates will be able to apply business management concepts and theories in business application.

2. The under graduates will be effective professional communicators.

3. The undergraduates shall develop organizational skills and learn to organize events. They will learn to work in teams.

4. The undergraduates will develop problem solving skills and a competitive spirit being and working together in teams.

5. The undergraduates learn management skills and then can venture into their own businesses.

6. The undergraduates will get exposure of various domains / specializations / fields and later they can select any field.

7. The undergraduates will learn various new innovative and creative ideas and implement these in their business and daily routine.

8. The undergraduates are able to develop confidence of self education, team work and the ability for lifelong learning.

9. The undergraduates can venture into being entrepreneurs.

Course Objectives and Outcomes

BBA Semester I
Subject- BB 1 – English
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the basic concepts of grammar.
2. To understand the nuances of business correspondence.
3. To understand importance of business manners.
4. To understand the stories (Prose).

Course Outcomes:
1. At the end of the course the student shall be able to use correct grammar.
2. The student can write different types of letters, applications, emails, resume, orders etc.
3. The student can understand various stories and answer the questions.
Subject- BB 2 – Fundamentals of Business Management
Course Objectives:
1. To teach the students the practical perspectives of Business Management
2. To explain the relevance of various theories and concepts in management field
3. To discuss the importance of decision making
4. To understand the concept of organization and it structure
Course Outcomes:
1. At the end of the course the students will develop a better understanding on functioning of business organizations and workplace dynamics
2. The students will develop competencies to work in group
3. The students will understand the ethical issues of business management

Subject- BB 3 – Computer Applications in Business
Course Objectives:
1. To provide the basic understanding of IT.
2. To discuss the latest trends and technology of IT.
3. To study the role and value addition of IT in businesses.

Course Outcomes:
1. Better understanding of current trends in IT.
2. The course will provide the knowledge of few languages such as HTML, JAVA script.
3. The course will give better understanding towards online platform, work flow software. Systems.
Subject- BB 4 – Cost Accounting
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the basic concepts of costs.
2. To understand basic application of cost accounting in business.
3. To understand different techniques of costing in various industries.
4. To understand implication of cost in business decision making.
Course Outcomes:
1. At the end of the course the student will understand concepts of costs.
2. The student will be able to apply costing techniques in different types of industries.
3. The student will be able to apply costing techniques in business decisions.

BBA Semester II
Subject- BB 5 – Principle of Marketing Management
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the core concept and modern concepts of marketing management
2. To study the concept of marketing plan and marketing mix
3. To study various elements of marketing mix : product, price , place and promotion
Course Outcomes:
1. At the end of the course the student will understand core concepts like need, want, demand, value, cost satisfaction and modern concepts like e-business
2. The student will understand nature, process and importance of marketing plan
3. The student will be able to correlate various elements of marketing mix in business

Subject- BB 6 – Financial and Management Accounting
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the concept of basic principles of financial and management accounting.
2. To discuss and elaborate key issues in Financial Accounting of a business concern including Book Keeping, Journal Entries, Trial Balance and Preparation of Financial.
3. To introduce the meaning and importance of management is accounting and its applicability in managerial decision making.
4. To correlate financial accounting with management accounting from point of view of business evaluation through tools like Budget, Financial Analysis and Fund Flow.
Course Outcomes:
1. At the end of the course the student will able to understand basics of financial accounting and applicability in daily life.
2. The student will get insight to Preparation of financial statements and able to read published financial statements of companies.
3. The student will able to understand the importance of management accounting as a key input for managerial/ financial decision making.
4. The students will be able to take financial decisions using tools of management accounting.

Subject- BB 7 – Micro Economic Fundamental
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the concepts of economics and demand & supply.
2. To make students familiar with concepts like production function and cost theory.
3. To explain various market structures to students and price determination methods used in those markets.
4. To introduce students to various theories such as theory of wages, rent, interest & profit.
Course Outcomes:
1. Students will come to know about basics of economics and its practical applications like market equilibrium.
2. Students will understand important concepts for business decisions such as optimum production level.
3. Students will come to know about various types of markets and practical methods of pricing in various markets.
4. Students will be familiar with concepts likes wages, rent , interest and profit.
Subject- BB 8 – English II
Course Objectives:
5. To introduce the basic concepts of grammar.
6. To understand the nuances of business correspondence.
7. To understand importance of business manners.
8. To understand the stories (Prose).
Course Outcomes:
4. At the end of the course the student shall be able to use correct grammar.
5. The student can write different types of letters, applications, emails, resume, orders etc.
6. The student can understand various stories and answer the questions.

BBA Semester III
Subject- BB 9 – Principles of Financial Management
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the concept of basic principles of financial management and discuss the objectives and key finance functions.
2. To discuss various sources for long term and short term financing needs.
3. To discuss cost of financing through various sources and calculation of Weighted Average Cost of Capital.
4. To explain the concept of working capital in a business, its key components and calculation of required working capital.
Course Outcomes:
1. At the end of the course the student will able to understand basics of financial management and sources of finance.
2. The student will get insight to cost related to raising finance from various sources and overall weighted average cost of capital.
3. The student will able to understand the importance of working capital and process to determine its value in the business.
Subject- BB 10 – Basic Statistical Techniques
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the basic concepts and techniques of statistics.
2. To introduce statistical averages and dispersion.
3. Introduction to measures of dispersion.
4. Introduction to coefficient of correlation.
Course Outcomes:
1. At the end of the course the student shall understand importance and uses of statistics in business.
2. At the end of the course the student shall be able to understand and calculate various statistical averages and dispersions.
3. At the end of the course the student shall understand various measures of dispersion and its calculation. At the end of the course the course the student shall be able to understand and calculate coefficient of correlation.

Subject- BB 11 – Evolution of Business and Commercial Geography
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce major events of World History to the Students.
2. To explain the students how the major events in history have impacted international business and world economy.
3. To introduce the concept of commercial geography.
4. To explain students how geographical factors affects Business and Economy.

Course Outcomes:
1. At the end of the course the student will understand the impact of major events of world history on Business and Economy.
2. The student will get an overview of commercial geography.
3. The student will get an insight on how geographical factors affect the business and economy of a nation.
Subject- BB 12 – Environmental Management
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the concept of environment management.
2. To impart knowledge on various types of pollution present in environment.
3. To give knowledge on human population, its cause and effect also covering the social issues in environment.
Course Outcomes:
1. Students will understand the importance of various aspects of environment.
2. Students will become aware of various contemporary issues related to the environment.
3. Student awareness and knowledge on environment will make them a responsible person towards the environment.
BBA Semester IV
Subject- BB 13 – Principal of HRM
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the concept of Human Resource Management & Personnel Management.
2. To introduce the core activities of Human Resource department.
3. To help student understand Recruitment, selection process.
4. To help student understand Induction and Training.
Course Outcomes:
1. At the end of the course the student will understand the concept of HRM and core functions of HR.
2. The student can understand the core functions of HR, and how does these affect the organization.

Subject- BB 14 – Money, Banking and Finance
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the concepts of money, its importance and defects.
2. To study the role of commercial banks, central banks with emphasis on Reserve bank of India.
3. To study the macroeconomic concepts of National Income and inflation, deflation, etc.
4. To study the monetary and fiscal policies and concepts underlying in those policies.
Course Outcomes:
1. At the end of the course the student will be able to relate the concepts of money as an economic commodity and understand its importance in economy.
2. The student will understand how Reserve banks of India influences commercial banks and in turn the economy of the nation.
3. The student will be able to understand various measures of national income such as GDP and GNP which he would able to relate while studying economic environment.
4. Concepts of monetary and fiscal policy will help student in understanding national economics union budget, etc.

Subject- BB 15 – Sociology/Psychology
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the concept of Sociology and its relevance to modern era.
2. To discuss about changes in values, beliefs and environments structure of society.
3. To introduce the concept of psychology and and key elements affecting individual’s behavior.
4. To give an insight of Social Behaviour, Socialisation and social traits.
Course Outcomes:
1. At the end of the course the student will able to understand feature of industrialism, capitalism and democratic society.
2. The student will able to learn that how changes have been taken place in social groups, sub groups and internal and external sources for such changes.
3. The student will able to understand meaning and application of psychology and biological base and nervous system influencing psychology.
4. The student will understand the tools used for measuring social behaviour and how an individual perceive others based on personal psychological traits.

Subject- BB 16 – Business Legislation
Course Objectives:
1. To know basic structure of Indian legal system.
2. To understand importance of law for business.
3. To understand laws relating to commercial contract.
4. To understand the structure and functioning of a company.
5. To have knowledge of consumer law.
Course Outcomes:
1. At the end of the course the student will be able to apply legal concepts while drafting a contract.
2. The student will understand the various compliances in a corporate body.
3. The student will understand the basics of law relating to consumer protection, E-commerce and cyber laws.

BBA 3rd year
Subject- Principles and practice of Banking and Insurance
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the meaning of bank and different forms of banking.
2. To understand the concept of deposit and advances.
3. To understand the various tools of investment and documents involved.
4. To understand the concept of insurance, various life insurance products and mediclaim and health insurance products.

Course Outcomes:
1. At the end of the course the student will understand the meaning of bank and different forms of banking.
2. At the end of the course the student will be able to understand the about deposit mobilization and will have knowledge about advances and its types.
3. At the end of the program the student will be able to understand the various tolls of investment and the documents required for the same.
4. At the end of the program the student will be able to understand the meaning of insurance. He / she will also have knowledge about various life insurance, mediclaim and health insurance products.
Subject- Business Ethics
Course Objective:
1. To introduce the concept of ethics in business and its impact.
2. To enable the student to understand how business organizations work with correct ethical practices in various functional areas.
3. To help students understand the duties and responsibilities of businesses towards society.
4. 4. To help students understand the role ethical organizations play towards environment.
Course Outcome:
1. At the end of the course the student will understand the impact of ethical practices in business.
2. The student will be able to apply ethical business practices towards betterment of the society, at work.
Subject- Entrepreneurship Development
Course Objectives:
1. To help student understand the concept of entrepreneurship and the role it plays in economic development.
2. To systematically impart knowledge on various considerations necessary to become an Entrepreneur.
3. To explain the importance of project report and how it is to be made.
4. To make the student understand Government support system and various institutions involved for setting up entrepreneurial ventures.
Course Outcomes:
1. At the end of the course the student will understand the concept of entrepreneurship.
2. The student will get to know the details of government and other institutes support mechanism.
3. The student will be able to make professional project reports required to start a business venture.
4. The student can start his own business venture.
Subject- Indian financial system
Course Objectives:
1. To give overview of Indian Financial system and financial market
2. To understand various Money market instruments
3. To understand Capital market in broader sense
4. To understand the debt market in India
5. To understand the various financial services and financial regulation in India

Course Outcomes:
1. At the end of the course the student will understand concepts of financial system.
2. To make the student understand and analyze the instruments traded in market
Subject- Integrated Marketing Communications
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the concepts of Integrated Marketing Communication and its elements.
2. To study the concept of communication branding and brand messages.
3. To study the methods of research used in IMC and concept of Micro Marketing.
Course Outcomes:
1. At the end of the course the student will be able to relate the concepts of integrated marketing communication with the real world market situations.
2. The student will understand the concepts like branding, brand communications, micro marketing with real life situations.
3. The student will understand various strategies in creating and communicating brand messages and how those are applied in various business strategies.
Subject- Office Management
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the concept of office management.
2. To give knowledge on administrative arrangements and physical condition of office management.
3. To give knowledge of various office equipments, Office systems, mail services and communication.
Course Outcomes:
1. At the end the student will understand the concept of office management and also the principles.
2. The Student will understand the various office equipments and office automation systems.
3. The Student can write official mails and implement office communication system effectively.

Subject- Production& Operations Management
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce operations mgmt. And concepts on manufacturing.
2. To introduce production planning and control, maintenance systems, locations, layouts.
3. To introduce material mgmt. Concepts with emphasis on MRP, purchase, inventory control.
4. To introduce latest concepts in production such as JIT, KANBAN, KAIZEN, POKA

Course Outcomes:
1. At the end of the course the student shall basic conceptual knowledge of operations management.
2. The student will understand basic concepts of production planning, maintenance.
3. The student will understand the concepts used in production now a days.

Subject- Retail Marketing Management
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the concepts of retail and retail mix.
2. To make the students aware about various store and non store retail formats.
3. To introduce the students to various concepts in retailing such as consumer behavior, location selection, CRM, retail pricing and supply chain.
Course Outcomes:
1. At the end of the course the student will be able to relate the concepts of retail, retail mix, lavational strategy, etc with the actual retail industry.
2. Students will be able indentify and understand various retail store and non store formats.
The student will understand the impact of consumer behavior on retailing and also the importance of supply chain in retail.