SAMIDHA-21 Virtual research conference was held on 8th and 9th April, 2021. The conference was inaugurated by Dr. Subhash Chaudhari, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, RTM Nagpur University on 8th April. This was followed by the first keynote address by Dr. Hitesh Shukla, Professor, Rajkot University. The second keynote address was delivered on the second day by Dr. Kapil Chandrayan, Independent Consultant.

The conference was divided into four sessions. Two sessions were held each day.

Total number of registrations received were 42

Total number of research papers received were 39

Total number of papers actually presented were 32.


Chairpersons for various sessions were Dr.Sujit Metre, Dr.Nirzar Kulkarni, Dr.Madhuri Deshpande, Dr.Prashant Chaudhary. Internal chairpersons were Dr. Praveen Mustoor, Dr.Yogesh Gharpure, Dr.PS and Dr.PR.  Participating delegates, faculty members and students of MBA Semester-I were the participants of the conference.

I thank Dr. Lalit Khullar and Dr. Sanjay Kavishwar for encouraging us to bring this conference to reality. I also thank my conference team members Dr. Prerna Thakwani and Dr. Prasanna Shembekar for making this a success and also other faculty members who helped in various ways.

Samidha -2021
