As a part of the Institute’s endeavour to develop its MBA students, it organises this intra-collegiate event for MBA students, every semester. Management Aptitude Development a. k. a MADness in Tirpude’s jargon is a reason for students to learn under the pretext of enjoyment. MADness represents another innovation, by Tirpude Institute of Management Education, in knowledge dispersion.
MADness is a fun filled event through which MBA students get to use managerial skills learnt in the classroom. A specific theme is also floated for conduct of this exercise. The theme last year was ‘Hawaiian’. Students are grouped into 9 different teams to compete with each other for 6-8 different activities that included academic, teambuilding, coordination, communication and creativity related activities. The last MADness activity was held at Pench, a picturesque outdoor locale near Nagpur. At times, even the faculty members were divided into two different teams who also followed the theme and equally participated in all the activities for encouraging the students.
Activity like branding whacky products like black beauty cream, height reducing tonic, lip crack balm, aging cream etc. gave students opportunity to show their marketing skills for branding unusual products.Hurdle relay race which involved very challenging tasks like pulling a person sitting on truck tyre, plank walk, caterpillar race etc. helped students learn and execute teamwork.
Many other games and activities wereare conducted during MADness on these lines. The students not only have fun at the event but also learn the practical aspects of management like Teamwork, Coordination, Organizing, Time Management etc.